Monday, August 22, 2011

Yep I cut my hair.

Please keep in mind these are pictures I took of myself with the camera on the timer. Friday morning was the day of the Haircut! This is the before picture.....

Yes I made that lovely hair flower myself as a gift to myself for my birthday. Here is another shot of the flower and my long hair.

It is nice right? Well I was inspired by a project in Sewing Bits and Pieces by Sandi Henderson. All individual petals that I sewed together and the center is a fabric covered button that I put together as well. On the back is a small barrette to hold this lovely creation in place. 

Ok I know what you are really here for is the haircut. I was SO tired on my long hair and just felt like I needed a change. Those of you who know me personally know I am pretty much the queen of re-inventing myself. One reason I do not have any tattoos, too permanent! And too hard to re-invent yourself around. Maybe one day I will settle on who I am in the world, but probably not. Maybe it is just time to settle on the fact that some things about me will always be unsettled. For now I pretty much have to be settled on this hairstyle, not really anywhere to go from here. 

This is me and my new haircut in my yoga clothes with no make-up on getting ready to get a little work done before I head to hot yoga this morning. I do think it looks more modern and fun than the long hair. And it is SO much easier to deal with for my new workout regimen.

So I challenge you to be bold today! Do something you have never done before or have been holding back on for some reason. It actually feels pretty good to make a change and move on to something new. 

Peace Out - C

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