Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A new party dress!

 We are going to a family friend's Bar Mitzvah soon, which I took as an excuse to make Marion a new fancy party dress.

It is an old McCall's pattern that I inherited from my cousin and is a long dress with a matching jacket.

I actually bought all the stuff and had this all planed out to make as Marion's "holiday" dress last year and just never got to it. I am so glad I finally did get around to making this one. It fits her really well and is unusual. No one else will have one on, that's for sure.

I also like that it is a little bit retro and is very little girly without being pink or too super frilly. Mostly I am glad I took the time to measure her and not just guess because I would have guessed wrong. I would have made it one size bigger and I think that would make it unwearable.  I took the lazy way out and bought her  a little white blouse to wear under it.  I just never get around to making some things.

The jacket has pockets made of the same plaid as the skirt, just shifted to add a little visual interest. It is also trimmed in the same lace as the dress.

She was having fun jumping on her bed in her new fancy party dress.

This is basically what you get when you say to a spunky 3 year old girl "show me your new fancy party dress".

There was also a little twirling action but I just got my new camera back and have not figured it all out yet, didn't think you would enjoy big old blurs.

Today I am trying to hold on to the popular saying, "do what you love and the money will come". I know that if I just give myself some room and space to practice and get better it will develop into something, somehow, some way.

But it looks like I am spending the day with a kiddo with an unhappy back-end ;) Hope you are doing something fun today.

Peace out - C

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