Friday, January 28, 2011

Baby Quilt? I have never really made a quilt before......

Ok so I have made one quilt before. But it was years ago and I really had no idea what I was doing at the time. I made a t-shirt quilt for my sister. And it probably fell apart and she probably threw it away. I have said many times before in my life, "I do not quilt". So why am I making a baby quilt?

I don't know why but for some time now I have been itching to make a quilt. My mother in law makes AMAZING quilts. And I know I will not match her ability any time soon. But I have been itching to try something new. 

My best friend from college recently had a baby and I decided to make her a gift. (Lindsey if you are reading this act surprised when you get it.) After I disappointed my sister with a crappy quality quilt years ago I am a little afraid to make her another one until I get in some practice. And I do have BIG plans for quilts for my nieces as well as my daughter. But baby Sydney is my guinea pig.

Also baby quilts are small. So they are less work. Its like making a tiny little practice quilt. And I am cheating. I did not cut those lovely squares. I bought them pre-cut. Since this whole quilting thing is an experiment I didn't want to invest too much into it. But I also wanted to make something that would get used and hopefully loved. But it is ok if she barfs on it, she is a baby, it will be washable.

You can buy these cute little things called a "Charm Pack", and it is 5" squares of fabric from an entire collection, 27 different fabrics, this is Blossoming by Free Spirit.

I took all the squares out and lined them up on the floor. My 3 year old daughter was a big help. She lined up the squares she liked and handed them to me as I sewed. She had to turn the wheel every now and then and sew because apparently me and my sewing ability fascinate her. She actually stood behind me on my chair with her head next to mine watching my every move. I am trying to figure out how to involve her more in sewing. 

I sewed the squares into stripes and plan to use jellyroll pre-cuts between the stripes of squares. A jellyroll is another type of pre-cut fabric you can buy and the pieces measure 2.5" x 42" and will make lovely stripes I hope.

It was so cute when I got it all bundled up in its little ribbon. I love fresh supplies. So full of hope and promise. I am hoping to have enough stripes left off this jellyroll to work on the curtains I have planned. But we shall see, and maybe I will even enter the Moda JellyRoll Challange! Nothing like a contest to get you motivated.

But first I must finish this quilt and the other gazillion projects that I have started both in reality and in my head.  Not sure yet how I am going to back this quilt. Maybe in 4 big squares to do a little reversible action. I love anything reversible since it gives you a 2nd chance.

Have you ever made a Charm Pack quilt? Got and suggestions for me? I have been doing some reading but I will admit I am pretty much winging this, that is just how I operate.

Have a good weekend! And I challange you to try something new.

Peace Out - C

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