Monday, November 19, 2012

All the sudden I need to make more stuff?!?!

Wow! Thank you to all the people who bought my stuff at the Paideia Holiday Craft Show - Art Visions over the weekend. It was a success, I picked up only about 1/3 of what I dropped off over there last week. Next year I need to make even more napkins. And suddenly cocktail size napkins are selling like hot cakes.

Tonight I went down to the studio to get some work done and realized, I do not have the right fabric to get started on anything. I have two commission orders to do but I am still marinating on those and not quite ready to start cutting, so I actually cleaned out my email and did all the "computer stuff" I have been letting pile up.

I did get a little work done today. I went over to Home Grown and spruced up my display. But this is all I have. There is almost nothing in my Etsy shop! Craziness. Luckily I have about 45 yards scheduled to show up tomorrow so that should get me back to work. Sandwich bags seem to be at the top of the list right now. But I have to hurry and get this stuff squeezed in, because whatever is not made and ready to sell by the end of next week will have to be back stock. But this will be the first year that I feel like I will be able to get ahead and not be rushing this time next year. I plan to be making Christmas napkins and such all year in 2013 and be ahead of the game, well that's the plan any way. Considering that I did not even decide to re-open Stems until September I think I managed to do ok so far.

So here is a phone pic of my napkin and snack bag display.

 I also have headbands, zipper flowers and all my pin up boy stuff over there. I will be working Saturday 1(ish) to close and Sunday 12-close so come on by and see us! Don't forget Saturday the 24th is Small Business Saturday and we are also doing fun things for Terrific Thursdays now through Christmas!

Have a SAFE and HAPPY Thanksgiving!

Nothin but love for my peeps!
Peace Out - C

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