Thursday, June 27, 2013

We Are Happy Campers!

View from the paddle boat on the lake at Vogel State Park!
It is funny, in some ways I hate camping. But in many other ways I love it. Ok the bad stuff first, you sleep in a bag on the ground. You have to walk to the bathroom (this time it was pretty far) and being outside at night makes me a little nervous.

Wow, that is a surprisingly short list of the draw backs to camping. The things I love about it include, being off the grid and spending time with my peeps. Apparently my peeps agree because M summed up camping by saying "the whole point of camping is to spend time with your family!' Love that gal.

We have a really old tent that is smelly and saggy. But it did the job even through heavy down pours of rain. We did tons of fun things including swimming in the lake, playing in the sand, watching a live country music show (Cornbread Ted and the Butter Beans), cooking on the campfire, staying up super late to try and see the stars, paddle boating, miniature golf alright I will stop there but it was fun.

Hard to take a picture of yourself.
Next time we will do a few things differently but all in all it was a great trip. I personally was a little sad to be back to the world of electronics and chores, but I was happy to see my bed and take a shower in my shower.

Yes that is Eric in the background in a canoe.
Vogel State Park in North GA is pretty much in the middle of nowhere but it is breath taking-ly beautiful. I hope you are doing something fun and challenging this summer! I promise my next post will be about sewing.

Peace Out - C

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